5 Crucial Questions about Christianity


By Tom Short

Fifth printing, 2013
Published by Tom Short Campus Ministries

Is faith believing without evidence, or is faith reasonable? We know that faith appeals to our emotions, but can it satisfy our intellect?
In this power-packed little book, long-time campus speaker Tom Short builds the case that Christianity is credible to the mind as well as the heart.  The book deals with those common faith questions:

  • Is there really evidence that God exists?
  • Isn’t the Bible just another book?
  • Don’t I determine what’s right for me?
  • Wasn’t Jesus just a great teacher?
  • Isn’t being a Christian boring and limiting?

5 Cruciual Questions about Christianity is a common-sense look at the basics of the Christian faith, in which Tom will give you reasons to consider Jesus, the Bible – and your life – in a whole new light.
But be careful- because you’re about to discover that Christianity really makes sense. And then you’ll be faced with the most crucial question of all!

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